Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them. For the Kingdom Of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children. Matthew 19:14
Head, Heart, Hands
Raising up well balanced children to be mindful, creative and compassionate. Learning, worshipping & playing together.
Safe Environment
Our Pre-Primary facility is well nested within the Kingdom Academy grounds. Well staffed and monitored.
Stimulating Play
Colourful, interactive playground where the children can run, touch and explore their environment, stimulating their senses.
Spiritual Growth
Daily interaction through praise and worship music, learning about Jesus and participating in spiritual practice through prayer.
What We Offer
Kingdom Academy Pre-Primary is not your average daycare centre.
Easy Payments
School fees payable over 11 months.
Water Only
Water only school.
Nursery babies as from 3 months.
Full time security guard at the main gate regulating entry.
Help For Parents
School closes later in December.
Christian Values
Training children in God's ways.
Qualified Teachers
Qualified teacher supervision 7am - 5pm.
Safety & Accountability
24/7 security camera surveillance.
Space to make your
greatest impact.
Our vision is to develop a Godly culture in our children to maximize their spiritual, academic and social potential.